
Photo gallery of Lao dragonflies (1)

 Exploration of Laos dragonfly in October 2019 (1/3)

秋のラオスのトンボ発生の状況はほとんど知見がなかったので、今回もいつもの3人組で行ってみました。目的地は中部のLak Saoとさらに北のPhonsabanです。そしてVientianに戻る途中にLonsanに寄って帰るコースです。車での移動総距離は1100kmでした。それぞれの位置関係は下図を参照。

We visited Lak Sao and  Phonsavan in October 2019 to investigate the dragonflies in Laos in the fall, which we had little knowledge about.


⓵ Lak Sao ⓶ Phonsavan ⓷ Lonsan ⓸30km north of VN.

Taken around Lak Sao    

Landscape of the mountain stream near Lak Sao 
 A tributary of  Nam Ngang near Na Pe

                                              Landscape of the mountain stream in Lak Sao                   

                            Matrona basilaris ♂ 2019. 10.12  Lak Sao (Photo by T. Miyahata) 
                                                       Rhinagrion hainanensis  ♂ 2019. 10. 11 Lak Sao (Photo by T. Miyahata)

Habitat of  Rhinocypha huai 
           Rhinocypha huai 2019.10.11 west 70㎞ Lak Sao (Photo by N.Yokoi)                                            
                                Aristocypha fenestrella 2019.10.12  Lak Sao (Photo by T. Miyahata)
Coeliccia poungyi 産卵 2019. 10. 11 west 70㎞ Lak Sao  (Photo by toshi-chan)   

                               Coeliccia poungyi 2019. 10. 11 west 70㎞ Lak Sao  (Photo by T. Miyahata)
                                          Prodasineura verticalis 産卵 2019.10. 11 Lak Sao (Photo by T. Miyahata) 
                                       Prodasineura autumnalis 2019.10.11 Lak Sao (Photo by T. Miyahata) 
                                        Macromia moorei ♂ 2019.10.12 Lak Sao (Photo by T. Miyahata) 

       Orthetum pruinosumCrocothemis servilia 2019.10.12  Lak Sao (Photo by T. Miyahata) 

  今回、Lak Saoでの調査はヤンマ狙いを主に考えていました。特にコシボソヤンマ、ミルンヤンマそしてチャイロヤンマの仲間を見てみたいと期待を膨らませて行ったのですが、残念ながら全く姿を見ることができませんでした。特にコシボソヤンマはヤゴが採れている渓流で探索したのですが、、、、。ベトナムや中国では普通種だと言われているだけに、タイプロカリティーのラオスとしては面子がたちません。とほほ。Lak saoはこれまで多数の珍種、新種候補が訪れるたびに得ることができる、ラオスのトンボ調査では絶対外せない場所だっただけにショックです。ただ、ここ数年、この地域も例にもれず異常な降雨がしばしば起き、さらに以前はほとんどなかった台風が直撃するようになって、生息地の渓流が全くその様子を変えてしまうことが多くなってきました。そのせいか、あれほどいた他種多様なトンボたちがめっきり少なくなってきていることは、訪れるたびに感じていました。この地域のトンボはざっと見て75%ぐらいが判明したのではないかと考えています。しかし残りの実体を明らかにすることは、この状況下でますます困難になってきたと言わざるを得ません。
 写真と採集は共存できません。そのため、日本なら撮影に時間をかけても構わないのですが、何が出るかわからないラオスでは先に網が出てしまいます。どうしても珍種は写真には残らない傾向があります。そこでLak Saoで得たこの時期、気になるトンボの標本写真を次に掲載したいと思います。





Key to the species of Laotian Macromia


A simple Lao Macromia identification table that can be used in field

ラオス産コヤマトンボ属は現在20種程度が記録されていて、これはインドシナ各国の中では最も種数が多くなっています。これにともなって、これまでのLieftinck (1929)の分類体系の中には含まれない多くの種が記録されるようになってきました。今回はラオスのコヤマトンボ属の新なグルーピングをおこなって、誰にでもわかる簡単な絵解き検索表を作ってみました。

Currently, about 20 species of Macromia dragonflies are recorded from Laos. I would like to present a simple identification table (note that it is not a taxonomic key) below.

1. Grouping of Laotian Macromia

 Lieftinck's Macromia grouping
       1. M. westwoodii ( pinratani)   
       2. M. moorei ( moorei)
       3. M. cincta (cupricincta)
       4. M. calliope (calliope, flavocolorata, septima, callisto, chaiyaphumensis,   urania and 14 unidentified species)     
New groups to add to the above
       5. M. vangviengensis ( vangviengensis, unca)
       6. M. intermedius (tentative name, plan to description)
       7. M. daimoji (murakii)
       8. M. clio (hamifera?)
       9. M. aculeata ( katae and 5 unidentified species)
*The species name in parentheses is the corresponding Lao Macromia.

ラオスのコヤマトンボ属は基本的にマレー系の種群が全土に分布しています。そしてその中に特に北部から中部にかけて、中国とのつながりが強い種群がアンナン山脈を介して分布しているといえます。今回のグルーピングで新たに5個の種群を加えないとラオスのMacromia  の全体象をつかめないことがわかり、いかにこの地域の本属の多様性が高いかを示しているといえるでしょう

Laotian Macromia is based on Malesian species, and some Chinese Macromia species are distributed in the mountainous areas from the north to the central.

2. Simple identification of Laotian Macromia in field
M. calliope M. aculeate グループ 内の個別の種について、ここで上げた種以外は、野外での識別が困難であるため除いた。特にM. aculeata グループについては katae 以外は十分な分類的な検討をおこなっていないため全てその対象とした。
 Individual species within the M. calliope and M. aculeate groups were excluded because it is difficult to distinguish them in the field, except for the species listed here.



Lao Dragonflies List (after Yokoi & Souphanthong, 2014 )

ラオスのトンボリストをYokoi & Souphanthong (2014)から直接転載しました。その後修正点や加筆すべき点が数か所みつかりましたが、今回はそのまま載せてあります。新なリストを作成中ですが、50種程度が加わる予定です。なお、このYokoi & Souphanthong (2014)は六本脚http://kawamo.co.jp/roppon-ashi/から購入できます。

This list is quoted directly from Yokoi & Souphanthong, 2014, but will be updated soon. 

  Megalogomphus sommeri, 2016.5.5 LakSao, central Laos

Megalestes micans Needham, 1930*1, Plt.1 , Fig.1                                   

Indolestes sp.1*2, Plt.1 , Fig.2                                 
Indolestes sp.2*3, Plt.1 , Fig.3                                
Indolestes sp.3*4, Plt.1 , Fig.4                                              
Lestes elatus Hagen in Selys, 1862 36              
Lestes nodalis selys, 1891 36                             
Lestes platystylus (Rambur, 1842) 28          
Lestes praemorsus decipiens Kirby, 1893 36, Plt.1      
Lestes sp.1*5, Plt.1 , Fig.5                                             
Lestes sp.2*6, Plt.1 , Fig.6                                     
Lestes sp.3*7, Plt.1 , Fig.7                                     
Orolestes octomaculatus Martin, 1902 26, Plt.2            
Orolestes selysi McLachlan, 1895 5 Plt.2                       

Drepanosticta anascephala Fraser, 1933 5
Drepanosticta doisuthepensis Asahina, 1984 25, Plt.2, Fig.8  
Drepanosticta sp.1*8, Plt.2, Fig.9                                     
Drepanosticta sp.2*9, Plt.2, Fig.10                                      
Protosticta caroli Van Tol, 2008*10, Plt.2, Fig.11                           
Protosticta curiosa Fraser, 1934 23, Plt.2, Fig.12                            
Protosticta grandis Asahina, 1985 25, Plt.2, Fig.13            
Protosticta khaosoidaoensis Asahina, 1984 36, Plt.3, Fig.14     
Protosticta linnaei Van Tol, 2008*11, Plt.3, Fig.15 
Protosticta robusta Fraser, 1933 5
Protosticta taipokauensis Asahina & Dudgeon, 1987 27, Plt.3, Fig.16
Protosticta trilobata Fraser, 1933 5
Protosticta sp.1*12, Plt.3, Fig.17                                            
Protosticta sp.2*13, Plt.3, Fig.18                                          
Protosticta sp.3*14, Plt.3, Fig.19                                          
Protosticta sp.4*15, Plt.3, Fig.20                                

Archineura hetaerinoides (Fraser, 1933)  5, Plt.3          
Atrocalopteryx coomani (Fraser, 1935)* 16, Plt.4                 
Atrocalopteryx sp.1*17, Plt.4, Fig.21  
Caliphaea confusa Hagen in Selys, 1859 30    
Caliphaea thailandica Asahina, 1976*18, Plt.4              
Caliphaea sp.1*19, Plt.4, Fig.22                           
Caliphaea sp.2*20, Plt.4, Fig.23                                          
Caliphaea sp.3*21, Plt.4, Fig.24                                       
Calopteryx laosica Fraser, 1933 5, Plt.4, Fig.25                    
Matrona basilaris Selys, 1853 5, Plt.4                       
Matrona nigripectus Selys, 1879*22, Plt.5                  
Mnais andersoni McLachlan in Selys, 1873 5, Plt.5        
Mnais incolor Martin, 1921 18,* 23, Plt.5, Fig.26                     
Mnais mneme Ris, 1916 31, Plt.5                       
Mnais tenuis Oguma, 1913* 24, Plt.5                        
Mnais sp.1* 25, Plt.5 , Fig.27                                      
Neurobasis chinensis chinensis (Linnaeus, 1758) 5 
Noguchiphaea sp.1* 26, Plt.5, Fig.28                              
Noguchiphaea sp.2* 27, Plt.5, Fig.29                                      
Vestalis gracilis gracilis (Rambur, 1842) 4
Vestalis smaragdina smaragdina Selys, 1879 30, Plt.6                
Vestalis sp.1*28, Plt.6, Fig.30                                    

Burmargiolestes flaviceps Freser, 1933 5
Burmargiolestes melanothorax (Selys, 1891) 25
Mesopodagrion tibetanum McLachlan, 1896* 29, Plt.6      
Mesopodagrion sp.1* 30, Plt.6, Fig.31                                    
Philosina alba Wilson, 1999 11
Rhinagrion hainanensis Wilson & Reels, 2001 21, Plt.6
Rhinagrion mima (Karsch, 1891) 23, Plt.6               
Rhipidolestes owadai Asahina, 1997 31, Plt.6                    

Devadatta cyanocephala Hamalainen, Karube & Sasamoto, 2006 18
Devadatta ducatrix Lieftinck, 1969 26, Plt.6                                        
Devadatta glaucinotata Sasamoto, 2003 20, Plt.7                
Devadatta multinervosa Freser, 1933 5

Philoganga vetusta Ris, 1912 31, Plt.7                        
Philoganga sp.1* 31, Plt.7, Fig.32                                   
Aristocypha fenestrella (Rambur, 1842) 5
Aristocypha fulgipennis (Guerin, 1831) 35
Aristocypha iridea (Selys, 1891) 5
Heliocypha biforata (Selys, 1859) 32
Heliocypha perforata (Selys, 1879) 32
Indocypha silbergliedi Asahina, 1988 2 
Indocypha vittata (Selys, 1891) 25, Plt.7                                                 
Libellago lineata (Burmeister, 1839) 32
Rhinocypha huai Zhou & Zhou, 2006* 32, Plt.7     
Rhinocypha sp.1* 33, Plt.7                

Anisopleura qingyuanensis Zhou, 1982 8
Anisopleura sp.1*34, Plt.7, Fig.33                                
Anisopleura sp.1*35, Plt.7, Fig.34                                
Bayadera serrata Davies & Yang, 1996* 36, Plt.8              
Bayadera sp.1* 37, Plt.8, Fig.35                                 
Cryptophaea vietnamensis van Tol & Rozendaal, 1995 31 Plt.8, Fig.36
Cryptophaea sp.1* 38, Plt.8, Fig.37                               
Cryptophaea sp.2* 39, Plt.8, Fig.38                                      
Dysphaea gloriosa Fraser, 1938 5
Euphaea guerini (Rambur, 1842)  31
Euphaea masoni Selys, 1879 5
Euphaea ochracea Selys, 1859 5
Calicnemia erythromelas (Selys, 1891) 5, Plt.8, Fig.39             
Calicnemia eximia (Selys, 1863)* 40, Plt.8                    
Calicnemia imitans Lieftinck, 1948 35, Plt.8                
Calicnemia miles (Laidlaw, 1917) 27, Plt.9                 
Calicnemia sp.1*41, Plt.9, Fig.40                               
Calicnemia sp.2*42, Plt.9, Fig.41                               
Coeliccia acco Asahina, 1997 31, Plt.9                              
Coeliccia chromothorax (Selys, 1891) 5, Plt.9                       
Coeliccia didyma (Selys, 1863) 31, Plt.9                    
Coeliccia doisuthepensis Asahina, 1984 34, Plt.9          
Coeliccia hoanglienensis Cuong, 2007 36, Plt.9            
Coeliccia loogali Fraser, 1932 27, Plt.10                         
Coeliccia montana Freser, 1933 5
Coeliccia onoi Asahina, 1997 36, Plt.10                                  
Coeliccia poungyi Fraser, 1924 27, Plt.10                   
Coeliccia sasamotoi Do, 2011* 43, Plt.10                        
Coeliccia scutellum Laidlaw, 1932 31, Plt.10              
Coeliccia megumii (kazukoae) Asahina, 1984* 44, Plt.10        
Coeliccia sp.1*45, Plt.10, Fig.42                                 
Copera ciliata (Selys, 1863) 32
Copera marginipes (Rambur, 1842) 5
Copera vittata vittata (Selys, 1863) 26
Indocnemis orang (Forster in Laidlaw, 1907) 31
Platycnemis phasmovolans Hamalainen, 2003 7, Plt.10 , Fig.43           

Prodasineura auricolor (Fraser, 1927) 27, Plt.11, Fig.44           
Prodasineura autumnalis (Fraser, 1922) 32                 
Prodasineura croconota (Ris, 1916) 31, Plt.11, Fig.45           
Prodasineura doisuthepenensis Hoess, 2007 35, Plt.11, Fig.46   
Prodasineura verticalis verticalis (Selys, 1860) 5 Plt.11, Fig.47     
Prodasineura sp. 1*46, Plt.11, Fig.48                            
Prodasineura sp. 2*47, Plt.11, Fig.49                            
Prodasineura sp. 3*48, Plt.11, Fig.50                            
Prodasineura sp. 4*49, Plt.11, Fig.51                            
Prodasineura sp. 5*50, Plt.12, Fig.52                            

Aciagrion azureum Fraser, 1922 23
Aciagrion migratum (selys, 1876) 36
Aciagrion pallidum Selys, 1891 34
Agriocnemis dabreui Fraser, 1919 32
Agriocnemis femina femina (Brauer, 1868) 26
Agriocnemis minima selys, 1877* 51 
Agriocnemis nana (Laidlaw, 1914) 23
Agriocnemis pygmaea (Rambur, 1842) 26
Argiocnemis rubescens rubeola Selys, 1877 26
Archibasis oscillans (Selys, 1877) 5
Ceriagrion auranticum auranticum Fraser, 1922 32
Ceriagrion azureum (Selys, 1891) 5
Ceriagrion cerinorubellum (Brauer, 1865) 32
Ceriagrion chaoi Schmidt, 1964 25
Ceriagrion coromandelianum (Fabricius, 1798) 26
Ceriagrion fallax fallax Ris, 1914 27
Ceriagrion indochinenes Asahina, 1967* 52
Ceriagrion nigroflavum Freser, 1933 26
Ceriagrion olivaceum Laidlow, 1914 5
Ceriagrion pallidum Fraser, 1933 5
Ceriagrion praetermissum Lieftinck, 1929 23 
Mortonagrion aborense (Laidlaw, 1914) 23
Ischnura aurora aurora (Brauer, 1865) 32
Ischnura rufostigma annandalei Laidlaw, 1919 1
Ischnura senegalensis (Rambur, 1842) 32
Onychargia atrocyana (Selys, 1865)* 53
Pseudagrion australasiae Selys, 1876 32
Pseudagrion microcephalum (Rambur, 1842) 32
Pseudagrion pruinosum fraseri Schmidt, 1934 26
Pseudagrion rubriceps rubriceps Selys, 1876 32

Anaciaeschna jaspidea (Burmeister, 1839) 30, Plt.12       
Anaciaeschna martini (Selys, 1897)* 54, Plt.12                
Anax guttatus (Burmeister, 1839) 26                    
Anax immaculifrons Rambur, 1842 36             
Anax nigrofasciatus nigrolineatus Fraser, 1935 34
Boyeria karubei Yokoi, 2002 29, Plt.12                             
Cepharaeschna sp.1*55, Plt.12, Fig.53                           
Cepharaeschna sp.2*56, Plt.12, Fig.54                           
Gynacantha saltatrix Martin, 1909* 57
Gynacantha subinterrupta Rambur, 1842 26
Gynacantha bayadera Selys, 1891* 58
Periaeschna magdalena Martin, 1909* 59, Plt.12             
Periaeschna nocturnalis Fraser, 1927 30, Plt.12              
Periaeschna sp.1*60, Plt.13, Fig.55                              
Periaeschna sp.2*61, Plt.13, Fig.56                              
Periaeschna sp.3*62, Plt.13, Fig.57                                
Periaeschna sp.4*63, Plt.13, Fig.58                              
Petaliaeschna flavipes Karude, 1999 17, Plt.13            
Planaeschna cucphuongensis Karube, 1999 31, Plt.13  
Planaeschna sp.1*64, Plt.13, Fig.59                                  
Planaeschna sp.2*65, Plt.13, Fig.60                              
Polycanthagyna erythromelas (McLachlan, 1896) 27, Plt.14 
Sarasaeschna minuta (Asahina, 1986) 13
Tetracanthagyna waterhousei McLachlan, 1898 5  

Amphigomphus nakamurai Karube, 2001 30, Plt.14        
Amphigomphus somnuki Hamalainen, 1996 34, Plt.14       
Asiagomphus acco (Asahina, 1996) 31, Plt.14               
Asiagomphus xanthenatus xanthenatus (Williamson, 1917) 25, Plt.14, Fig.61        
Asiagomphus sp.1*66, Plt.14, Fig.62                               
Burmagomphus divaricatus Lieftinck, 1964 1, Plt.14, Fig.63       
Burmagomphus vermicularis (Martin, 1904) 27, Plt.14, Fig.64     
Burmagomphus sp.1*67, Plt.15, Fig.65                             
Burmagomphus sp.2*68, Plt.15, Fig.66                             
Davidius fruhstorferi Martin, 1904 30, Plt.15            
Davidius sp.1*69, Plt.15, Fig.67                                 
Fukienogomphus sp.1*70,Plt.15, Fig.68                       
Gomphidia abbotti abbotti Williamson, 1907 28, Plt.15           
Gomphidia kruegeri kruegeri Martin, 1904 32, Plt.15               
Gomphidia perakensis Laidlaw, 1902 32, Plt.15               
Gomphidia sp.1*71, Plt.16, Fig.69                               
Gomphidia sp.2*72, Plt.16, Fig.70                                                
Gomphidia sp.3*73, Plt.16, Fig.71                                  
Heliogomphus retroflexus (Ris, 1912) 26, Plt.16               
Heliogomphus scorpio (Ris, 1912) 31, Plt.16                  
Heliogomphus selysi Freser, 1925* 74, Plt.16                                                                   Heliogomphus sp.1*75, Plt.16, Fig.72
Ictinogomphus decoratus melaenops (Selys, 1858) 32 
Ictinogomphus pertinax (Selys, 1854)  27
Labrogomphus torvus Needham, 1931 26, Plt.16              
Lamelligomphus camelus (Martin, 1904) 31, Plt.17   
Lamelligomphus sp.1*76, Plt.17, Fig.73                     
Lamelligomphus sp.2*77, Plt.17, Fig.74                     
Lamelligomphus sp.3*78, Plt.17, Fig.75                        
Lamelligomphus sp.4*79, Plt.17, Fig.76                      
Lamelligomphus sp.5*80, Plt.17, Fig.77                      
Leptogomphus elegans hongkongensis Asahina, 1988 28, Plt.17      
Leptogomphus haolocensis Karube, 2002 35, Plt.17      
Leptogomphus sp.1*81, Plt.18, Fig.78                      
Macrogomphus borikhanensis Fraser, 1933 4
Macrogomphus kerri Freser, 1932 32, Plt.18            
Macrogomphus matsukii Asahina, 1986 28, Plt.18              
Megalogomphus sp.1*82, Plt.18, Fig.79         
Merogomphus parvus (Krueger, 1899) 26, Plt.18 
Merogomphus paviei Martin, 1904 27, Plt.18           
Microgomphus jurzitzai Karube, 2000 30, Plt.18, Fig.80       
Microgomphus sp.1*83, Plt.18, Fig.81                                       
Microgomphus sp.2*84, Plt.19, Fig.82                      
Nepogomphus walli (Fraser, 1924) 26, Plt.19            
Nihonogomphus pulcherrimus (Fraser, 1927) 23
Nihonogomphus sp.1*85, Plt.19, Fig.83                        
Nihonogomphus sp.2*86, Plt.19, Fig.84                         
Nihonogomphus sp.3*87, Plt.19, Fig.85                       
Nihonogomphus sp.4*88, Plt.19, Fig.86                       
Nihonogomphus sp.5*89, Plt.19, Fig.87                        
Nihonogomphus sp.6*90, Plt.19, Fig.88                       
Nychogomphus duaricus (Fraser, 1924) 32, Plt.20         
Nychogomphus sp.1*91, Plt.20, Fig.89
Ophiogomphus sp.1*92, Plt.20, Fig.90                      
Orientogomphus circularis (Selys, 1894) 26, Plt.20    
Paragomphus aquila (Martin, 1921) 19           
Paragomphus capricornis (Foerster, 1914) 32     
Phaenandrogomphus asthenes Lieftinck, 1964 23, Plt.20
Phaenandrogomphus tonkinicus (Fraser, 1926) 27, Plt.20
Scalmogomphus bistrigatus (Hagen in Selys, 1854)* 93, Plt.20                                              Sieboldius nigricolor (Fraser, 1924) 28, Plt.20             
Sinictinogomphus clavatus clavatus (Fabricius, 1775)* 94
Stylogomphus lawrenceae Yang & Davies, 1996 22, Plt.21    
Stylogomphus sp.1*95, Plt.21, Fig.91
Stylogomphus sp.2*96, Plt.21, Fig.92                          

Anotogaster chaoi Zhou, 1998 15
Anotogaster gregoryi Fraser, 1923 30, Plt.21             
Anotogaster klossi Freser, 1919 15, Plt.21                             
Anotogaster sp.1*97, Plt.21, Fig.93                             

Chlorogomphus ( Neorogomphus ) auratus Martin, 1910 31, Plt.21            
Chlorogomphus ( Neorogomphus ) yokoii Karube, 1995 32, Plt.21            
Chlorogomphus ( Neorogomphus ) sp.1*98, Plt.22, Fig.94                        
Chlorogomphus ( Neorogomphus ) sp.2*99, Plt.22, Fig.95                          
Chlorogomphus (Petaliorogomphus) miyashitai Karube, 1995 10
Chlorogomphus (Petaliorogomphus) takakuwai Karube, 1995 36, Plt.22        
Chlorogomphus (Sinorogomphus) hiten Sasamoto et al., 2011 24, Plt.22
Chlorogomphus (Sinorogomphus) nasutus Needham, 1930* 100, Plt.22                    Chlorogomphus (Sinorogomphus) sp.1*101, Plt.22, Fig.96                         
Chlorogomphus (Sinorogomphus) sp.2*102, Plt.22, Fig.97                          

Idionyx carinata Fraser, 1926 30, Plt.22                  
Idionyx optata Selys, 1878 24, Plt.23                       
Idionyx selysi Fraser, 1926 27, Plt.23                         
Idionyx thailandica Hamalainen, 1985 23, Plt.23            
Macromidia genialis shanensis Fraser, 1927 26, Plt.23, Fig.98      
Macromidia rapida Martin, 1907 32, Plt.23                 
Macromidia sp.1*103, Plt.23, Fig.99

Hemicordulia edai Kaeube & Katatani, 2012 13, Plt.23, Fig.100                                              Hemicordulia sp.1*104, Plt.23, Fig.101                           

Epophthalmia elegans (Brauer, 1865) 27              
Epophthalmia frontalis frontalis Selys, 1871 32        
Epophthalmia vittigera bellicosa Lieftinck, 1948 32   
Macromia calliope Ris, 1916 31, Plt.24                        
Macromia callisto Laidlaw, 1922 27, Plt.24                  
Macromia chaiyaphumensis Hamalainen, 1985 27, Plt.24    
Macromia cupricincta Fraser, 1924 32 , Plt.24               
Macromia daimoji Okumura, 1949 ?36, *105, Plt.24 , Fig.102,103                                        Macromia flavocolorata Fraser, 1922 6, Plt.24            
Macromia hamifera Lieftinck, 1955 28, Plt.24 , Fig.104,105= clio?            
Macromia katae Wilson, 1993 29, Plt.24                       
Macromia moorei malayana Laidlaw, 1928 28, Plt.25          
Macromia pinratani Asahina, 1983 27, Plt.25                  
Macromia septima Martin, 1904 26, Plt.25                  
Macromia unca Willson, 2004* 106, Plt.25 , Fig.106   ?                                
Macromia urania Ris, 1916 9, Plt.25 , Fig.120                             
Macromia vangviengensis Yokoi & Mitamura, 2002 33, Plt.25
Macromia sp.1*107, Plt.25, Fig.107                               
Macromia sp.2*108, Plt.25, Fig.108                     
Macromia sp.3*109, Plt.26, Fig.109                
Macromia sp.4*110, Plt.26, Fig.110
Macromia sp.5*111, Plt.26, Fig.111        
Macromia sp.6*112, Plt.26, Fig.112        
Macromia sp.7*113, Plt.26, Fig.113    
Macromia sp.8*114, Plt.26, Fig.114         
Macromia sp.9*115, Plt.26, Fig.115  
Macromia sp.10*116, Plt.26, Fig.116                            
Macromia sp.11*117, Plt.27, Fig.117                            
Macromia sp.12*118, Plt.27, Fig.118                             
Macromia sp.13*119, Plt.27, Fig.119                           
Macromia sp.14*120, Plt.27                                   

Acisoma panorpoides panorpoides Rambur, 1842 32
Aethriamanta brevipennis (Rambur, 1842) 32
Agrionoptera i. insignis (Rambur, 1842) 27
Amphithemis curvistyla Salys, 1891 35, Plt.27                     
Amphithemis kerri Fraser, 1933 5
Atrotothemis reelsi Wilson, 2004 30, Plt.27            
Brachydiplax chalybea chalybea Brauer, 1868 32
Brachydiplax farinosa Krueger, 1902 26
Brachythemis contaminata (Fabricius, 1793) 32
Camacinia gigantea (Brauer, 1867) 16
Camacinia harterti Karsch, 1890 16
Cratilla lineata lineata (Brauer, 1878) 5
Crocothemis servilia servilia (Drury, 1770) 2
Diplacodes nebulosa (Fabricius, 1793) 32
Diplacodes trivialis (Rambur, 1842) 32
Hydrobasileus croceus (Brauer, 1867) 32
Hylaeothemis clementia Ris, 1909 27, Plt.27 
Indothemis limbata limbata (Selys, 1891)* 121
Lathrecista asiatica asiatica (Fabricius, 1798) 26
Lyriothemis bivittata (Rambur, 1842) 5, Plt.27
Lyriothemis sp.1*122, Plt.28
Neurothemis fluctuans (Fabricius, 1793)* 123
Neurothemis fulvia (Drury, 1773) 5
Neurothemis intermedia atalanta Ris, 1919 4
Neurothemis tullia tullia (Drury, 1773) 32
Neurothemis sp.1*124, Plt.28                        
Onychothemis culminicola Foerster, 1904 32
Onychothemis testacea testacea Laidlaw, 1902 32
Orthetrum chrysis (Selys, 1891)* 125
Orthetrum glaucum (Brauer, 1865) 32
Orthetrum luzonicum (Brauer, 1868)* 126
Orthetrum pruinosum neglectum (Rambur, 1842) 4
Orthetrum sabina sabina (Drury, 1770) 32
Orthetrum testaceum testaceum (Burmeister, 1839)* 127
Orthetrum triangulare triangulare (Selys, 1878) 5
Palpopeura sexmaculata sexmaculata (Fabricius, 1787) 1
Pantala flavescens (Fabricius, 1798) 32
Pseudothemis jorina Foerster, 1904 32
Pseudothemis zonata (Burmeister, 1839)* 128
Potamarcha congener (Rambur, 1842) 1
Rhyothemis phyllis phyllis (Sulzer, 1776) 32
Rhyothemis obsolescens Kirby, 1889 36
Rhyothemis plutonia (Selys, 1883) 32
Rhyothemis triangularis Kirby, 1889* 129
Rhyothemis variegata ( Linnaeus & Johannson, 1764) 32
Sympetrum hypomelas (Selys, 1884)* 130, Plt.28              
Sympetrum sp.1* 131, Plt.28                          
Tetrathemis platyptera Selys, 1878 26
Tholymis tillarga (Fabricius, 1798) 26
Tramea transmarina euryale Selys, 1878 32
Trithemis aurora (Burmeister, 1839) 5
Trithemis festiva (Rambur, 1842) 32
Trithemis pallidinervis (Kirby, 1889) 32
Urothemis signata signata (Rambur, 1842)* 132
Zygonyx immaculata Fraser, 1933 5
Zygonyx iris malayana (Laidlaw, 1902) 26
Zyxomma petiolatum Rambur, 1842 27 
Zyxommoides brevientre (Martin, 1921) 19  

                                  Lao Geography and Fauna of Odonata

Laos is a long country of approximately 1,000 km from north to south, and its environment and culture are classified under three areas of north, central, and south. The land is in the tropical monsoon zone, and has two distinctive seasons, a rainy season from May to September, and dry season from October to April. The northern mountainous zone receives an annual precipitation of approximately1,500 mm.

On the other hand, the annual precipitation in the southern mountainous zone reaches 3,500 mm, over double the amount in the north. In recent years, the River Mekong floods more often in a larger area from the central to southern area due to typhoons. In contrast, many smaller rivers run dry from the central to northern mountainous area in the dry season, which significantly reduces the water levels of rivers on the plain. Smaller rivers branching off from the River Mekong sometimes stop flowing due to the drop in water level of the main river.       

Laos is more or less all mountainous except the plain around the River Mekong. Specifically the Annamite Mountains which extend north to south along the border between Vietnam, Xiangkhouang, a plateau area in the central area, and Vientiane Province are dotted with peaks over 2,000 m. in Laos. Moreover, steep mountains are divided by deep valleys in the western part of Thailand near the border with Myanmar. Being over 1,000 m in altitude, Bolaven Plateau in the south is a vast volcanic highland, and has very high annual precipitation. Numerous rivers and wetlands in various sizes decorate the plateau.    

Together with the characteristic geography, all size-rivers running through the mountain area considerably affect the fauna and distribution of dragonflies. The fauna of Odonata in Laos, therefore, are characterized by the diversity of the lotic dragonflies.   

This list contains 351 species. Protoneuridae and Gomphidiae are found specifically between middle and upper streams, and the number of these species are noticeably large. This is the same as in surrounding areas such as Vietnam and Thailand. Specifically many species of Macromiidae are commonly seen in a large number in any region of Laos, which characterizes the fauna.  

Additionally, a distinctive composition of dragonfly species was found in each area. The plain of the Mekong basin and lowlands in intermountain areas have many species ( Malay species) of dragonflies common on the Indochinese Peninsula. On the other hand, more variety of species suddenly appears in mountain areas. 

The species living in northern Vietnam (northern Vietnamese species) and mainly in Fujian and Hainan, China, (Hainan species) are also widespread on the Laos side of northern Annamite Mountains to the border. The species found from northern Thailand to, Yunnan, China (Yunnan species), live also in the area from the north-west part of Luangnamtha to Oudomxay Province in the central area. The Odonata fauna of the area from Bolaven Plateau to the border between Vietnam in Sekong Province basically consists of Malay species and species living in the southern mountain area in Vietnam (southern Vietnamese species). The complex mix of those five groups composes the Odonata fauna of Laos, and these and endemic species of Laos are increasing the diversity of Laotian Odonata.


Phu Sumsum の Anotogaster

Phu Sumsum   のオニヤンマ  先のページでも触れましたが、ラオスのオニヤンマはなかなか得難いトンボです。これまで、 gigantica , gregoryi , klossi  1) そして chaoi  2) の記録がありますが、得られた個体は僅かで、生息地も数...